Category: Digital Marketing

How to Make Your Blog Post SEO Friendly

As digital marketing continues to grow, knowing how to properly set up your online content is more important than ever. If you write or publish great content but it doesn’t…

Why You Should Combine Your PPC and Inbound Marketing Strategies

Depending on whom you talk to, some marketers will tell you that pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and inbound marketing are opposites. However, PPC is actually a subsidiary of inbound.

How Google’s Text Ad Changes Will Affect Your Business

Text ads have been on the right side of a Google search engine results page (SERP) for about 16 years, but no longer. On February 19, Google moved ads to…

Like it, Love it, or Laugh at it: Facebook Introduces Animated Emoji “Reactions”

Have you ever read a particularly ridiculous or offensive social media status and thought to yourself, “Wow, I could really use a dislike button right about now”?

Creative Ways to Use Periscope to Boost Your Business Online

First there was Twitter and Facebook then Snapchat. Now there’s a new way for your business to interact with customers: Periscope. It’s the latest tool for your business’ social media…

Will Display Ads Take Over Search?

You may have heard that in 2016, more money will be spent on display ads than on traditional PPC. You may find this a little surprising considering that some believed…

To Bid or Not to Bid on Brand Keywords in Paid Search

To bid or not to bid on brand keywords, that is the question. And ask this to any search engine marketing specialist and they’ll tell you that bidding on brand…

4 Tips to Make a Successful Marketing Video

A marketing video is the best way to reach your audience and share your business. Visual content is much more appealing then print or text and can be easily shared…

The Biggest Game-Changer in Marketing for 2016: Relationship Marketing

Every year, a brand promotes itself as a marketing game-changer that’s expected to revolutionize the industry and your business. For 2016, it’s been everything from virtual reality to updated mobile…

What to Do When Your Lead Goes Cold

If you have a growing list of leads, then you want to know what to do when your lead goes cold. It’s inevitable that while your lead list grows, so…