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Corrected: 100,000 Years Spent on Facebook in March

Americans spent 53 billion minutes on Facebook in March, reports Matt Carmichael of Advertising Age magazine.  That works out to a slightly less alarming 12 minutes per user per day.

By way of comparison, Carmichael points out,

In 2009, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spent 8.7 hours a night sleeping. Men spent just 16 minutes a day doing housework (women spent 36 minutes). Exercise? 18 minutes. Religious and spiritual activities? Nine minutes. You get the picture.

Of course, we’re talking averages here.  That means that for every one Facebook user who spends two hours on Facebook in a given day, there would have to be 51 users who are on for only five minutes to average out to 12 minutes a day for those 52 users.

Read the blog post here.

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