Social Media Marketing

How Facebook’s Beacon Helps Businesses Reach Local Customers


Facebook Bluetooth Beacon is becoming popular among businesses around the world as a simple way to inform people nearby about businesses campaigns and offers. The Bluetooth Beacon is a small device that is easy to install for any business, and can be requested through Facebook with no charge.  The device comes in a small package and can be installed by peeling off a sticker that is located on the back of the device and sticking it in a safe area.

Recently, the Bluetooth beacon has become more popular among businesses worldwide because of the simplicity of sharing ads and promotions to people located around the area. Since Facebook has granted access to a person’s location through the use of smartphones, it is easy to send these beacons to any person near a businesses location.

Along with easy installation, using the Facebook Bluetooth Beacon is very simple. Facebook has added-in a Place Tips feature which will allow people click on businesses or companies to easily view information about them. Information that people will have access to under Place Tips include a welcome note for the business along with a picture, prompts that will allow users to like the Facebook page, all posts from the businesses Facebook page, and recommendations about the business from piers and friends. People that search a business or landmark will also get information such as:

  • Exclusive tips
  • Recommendations from friends and other users
  • Upcoming events for different businesses nearby

The beacons transmit Bluetooth signals of about 500 feet. These signals do not collect any information from other people, and they also do no disrupt the use of Wi-Fi internet access. People that will have access to Place Tips must have Bluetooth enabled on their smartphone.

Facebook Bluetooth Beacons have shown to make an increase in Facebook traffic over the past few months.  Businesses look at this feature as a way to promote themselves and improve company communication. Seeing that Place Tips works as an advertising system for 1.5 billion Facebook users, it’s necessary to beef up a company webpage by sharing more pictures, posts, campaigns and promotions.

People are constantly using their smartphones, whether they’re out to eat, shopping, or even working out, which is why Facebook Bluetooth Beacon is so convenient for any business. As soon as the Facebook application is opened up on a smartphone device, there will be advertisements from local businesses at the top of the home feed. This allows people to immediately decide if they are interested in the ad or promotion, and visit the businesses Facebook for more information. Whether someone is interested in a menu for a local restaurant, or wants to find out daily business hours at a place nearby, Share Tips easily allows fast access to this information.

Facebook is allowing both small and large businesses worldwide to have free access to Bluetooth Beacon because they believe that these companies deserve to share unique information about their company to benefit both the business and the customers’ satisfaction.

All the best,

Julia Giacoboni
