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Marketing Collateral Takeaways

Marketing Collateral Takeaways

Introducing a new product?

Introducing yourself to a potential customer?

Reintroducing yourself to a current client?

Get ready for a lot of handshakes! And make sure you’re prepared! We’ve talked about it before, but the impact of quality marketing collateral remains the same: you can go farther with supplemental marketing materials.

Marketing collateral can range from pamphlets, folders, posters, tri-folds, sell sheets, catalogs, business cards, bill stuffers and more. To make sure you stand out, your work needs to be unique, creative and memorable.

In this age of connectivity, it’s also important to know that any piece of marketing collateral can be turned into an online piece. Your website can feature collateral, making it more accessible as well as downloadable.

Making connections is one thing. Solidifying them and taking them to the next level is another. Marketing collateral can ensure your business goes far. Use these materials to your advantage!

Contact Tiffanie Leos at Stream (610.644.8637 x247 – to learn more about marketing collateral and how it can help you today!