
The Art of a Salesman


To create an effective, multidimensional campaign, there is one aspect of the campaign that is absolutely crucial: salesmanship.

Real face-to-face interactions with a company representative make all the difference. True salesmanship requires someone who not only knows the product inside and out, but above all, truly listens to the client and reacts in “real time.” It’s not just about the pitch — well-rehearsed, cookie-cutter answers and a snazzy PowerPoint presentation — it’s more than that.

Real salesmanship involves ongoing give-and-take conversations between you and the client. This not only involves active listening, but also thinking beyond their expectations.

Stream Companies put together a list of salesmanship pointers. One theme that runs throughout these tips: make the time. We all may be busy, but the only way to stay busy is to retain those clients and acquire new ones.

Always conduct a thorough needs analysis. Always.

There is an art to asking the right questions. Take the time to truly understand a client’s goals and visions. Determine their pain points. Ask them what motivates them and what doesn’t. This will ultimately pay off for the both of you.

Remain on the same page

Once presentations and proposals are made, it’s imperative that you and the client are on the same wavelength. Make sure you define what’s expected at the time of delivery to avoid any misconceptions and frustration all around

Make every word count, every single time.

Whether we’re working with a new client or a client of 15 years, every conversation matters. We’ve grown so accustomed to working online and on-the-go that sometimes those interactions lose their sincerity. Instead of a quick e-mail, schedule at least a phone interview, or even better, schedule an in-person appointment. Meeting with a client should not become a thing of the past.

“Stay ahead of the curve.”

While we’ve heard this saying many times, its importance never diminishes. Read the latest news. Attend industry events. Do whatever it takes to stay up-to-date with current trends and what’s to come. This will set you far apart from your competitors.

Promote yourself.

During your meetings, you can plant the seeds of new ideas. Clients may need some time to think about these ideas, do the numbers and get back to you. Leave a lasting impression with marketing collateral such as tri-folds, catalogs and sell sheets.