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Online Ad Spending Sees Double-Digit Growth

Marketers economic concerns lead to higher online ad spending

eMarketer recently analyzed research for online ad spending and total media ad spending through 2014—the results show faster growth for the digital ad world. 

Interestingly, it has been forecast that marketers concerns about the economy will lead them to spend more of their dollars on online advertisements—which they see as a more reliable option than traditional media advertisements.

eMarketer projects a 10.5% increase in US online ad spending next year, followed by double-digit growth every year through 2014 when spending will reach $40.5 billion.

When looking at the breakdown of digital spending, eMarketer saw the fastest-growing format throughout the period to be online video advertising, while search would continue to get the most dollars.

Increases in online spending will far outpace those for total media spending, which will inch up by 1.2% next year after rising 3% in 2010. In 2014, eMarketer estimates total media ad spending will be $188.5 billion, up from $168.5 billion this year.

eMarketer’s David Hallerman also suggested that the slight increases for total media ad spending in 2010, 2012, and 2014 are due to unlimited political ad spending; where TV remains the main medium for political advertising dollars.

Overall, faster growth online will help propel digital from 15.3% of total US ad spending in 2010 to 21.5% by 2014.

“The digital ad business is increasingly just the ad business, without separate silos for interactive media,” stated David Hallerman.

If Hallerman’s predictions ring true and marketers continue to view digital ads as more of a sure thing than traditional media, I think it is safe to say that the increase in digital ad sales isn’t stopping anytime soon.

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