
3 Ways to Drive Business with Email Marketing

The greatest concern we hear about email marketing campaigns is that they’re just a waste of time and money. But the fact is that mobile email use is on the rise. According to the Email Statistics Report, 2014-2018 from The Redacti Group, Inc., worldwide mobile email users are expected to rise to over 2.2 billion by the end of 2018. That’s up from 1.1 billion in 2014.  

While many users are no longer sitting behind a computer when they’re checking email, they are thumbing through emails while waiting in line for a latte or waiting for a meeting to start. So the question is: how can you take advantage of these new user habits and drive business with email marketing? 

Segment to Reach Your Customers When & Where They Are 

Providing the right information to the right customer is integral to creating a successful email marketing campaign—because not all of your customers are in the same stage of the buyer’s journey. According to HubSpot, “50% of leads are qualified but not yet ready to buy,” and “only 25% of leads are legitimate and should advance to sales.”   

By using relevant customer identification and behavior data, the email marketing team can segment your customers into relevant buyer personas. This will help you create and send tailored content to each type of customer to maximize the success of your email marketing campaign. 

Keep Your Customers Informed of Relevant Information 

One great way to use email marketing to drive business is to keep your customers apprised of upcoming deals, sales, and events. Whether you’re promoting a “New Model Release Party” or you’re looking forward to a huge “Spring Cleaning Sale,” email marketing is an excellent way to get the information out to new potential customers. 

It’s also a great way to get your satisfied customers to come back for additional services. Whether you’re providing a coupon, “Service Team Meet & Greet,” or a discount for returning customers, you can utilize email marketing to get the word out about your upcoming promotion.  

By segmenting based on your buyer personas and previous interactions, you can create tailored and personalized messages depending where each customer is in their buyer’s journey. This not only provides relevant information to the right customers, but it also creates personalization that will be unforgettable. 

Create Shareable Content to Get Free Marketing 

Traditional email marketing isn’t designed for mobile users, which means it can get lost in the shuffle of “I’ll look at this later” and “I need to de-clutter my inbox.” But since so many users are reading, sharing, and interacting with your email marketing on their smartphone and mobile devices, it’s vital that your communications are responsive in that environment.  

That’s why we recommend creating content that is easily readable and shareable on mobile devices—because we know one thing is true about customers: whether they love it or hate it, they’ll share it with their friends. So create great content, and your email recipients will share it with their circle. Then be sure to add social media sharing buttons to promote that sharing behavior. 

Email Marketing: a Useful Tool for the Modern Age 

These are just a few ways you can use email marketing to have a one-on-one conversation with your customers—a key to building relationships and lifetime buyers. At Stream Companies, we have the infrastructure to utilize your data to maximize the potential of your next email marketing campaign.   

To learn how email marketing can help you reach your prospects and customers, and drive business, contact the Email Marketing team at Stream Companies now. 

